'Helix', David Blandy, Daniel Locke & Adam Rutherford, 2013-2014
A Lighthouse & Wellcome Trust Commission, supported by Arts Council England

Helix is a collaborative digital graphic novel created by artist David Blandy, scientist and writer Adam Rutherford and illustrator Daniel Locke. Helix tells the history of DNA from the perspective of a 500-year-old man kept alive by genetic therapy. The story spans a 40,000 year period, from ancient chimera, to modern day spider goats, to a speculated future of centuries old human beings.

An Online Digital Graphic Novel DNA's history unravels, told by a 500-year old man, from across the millenia

Helix is supported by the Wellcome Trust.
Lighthouse is supported by Arts Council England and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

Music by James A. Holland