Refreshing Futures: Clean Water for All 

Refreshing Futures: Clean Water for All

I was commissioned by Positive Negatives to contribute to their Inclusive Urban Infrastructure project, which explores how urban infrastructure is provided in the Global South and how the most marginalised can benefit from it.

I provided the illustrations for the Clean Water for All animation and book, which tells a story set in the future, where a grandmother explains to her grandchildren the inequalities of global resource distribution in the 2020s and how it could so easily have all gone wrong.

This film has since been selected for the 2024 World Water Film Festival.

Positive Negatives are a team who combine ethnographic research with creative techniques to transform personal stories into art, education and advocacy materials. Their mission is to bring academic research to a larger mainstream audience, so it can have a bigger impact. They collaborate with leading global organisations, spanning the worlds of academia, NGOs, arts and media.

Project partners: University of Sussex, Institute of Development Studies, Durham University, Global Challenges Fund (GCRF), UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

You can see the accompanying animations and read the book here:

I was then commissioned by Positive Negatives and Sussex University to curate an exhibition to showcase this project at the Phoenix Art Space in Brighton. It included both my own work alongside an international team of academics and artists. It presents the animations accompanied by supporting research, with photographs taken by participants in a range of global communities.