Wow, have I got some things to share. I'm going to start with the most recent and work backwards until I run out of things to write. I won't post it all at once since it's late and I want watch the lovely Mary Beard talk about Pompeii. But I'll try to get it all done by the end of next week. And from then I'll endeavour to keep this place up-to-date, ship shape and Bristol fashion.
Thing 1: The heroic Ted Intorico at Tinto Press has agreed to print my 24 page comic 'Mock Turtle'! I'm seriously chuffed about this. For the past 4 years I've been working on a couple of long graphic novels. The first of which, 'Going Home' is now nearing completion but won't actually be available for another year. So this little book feels great to be working on, because by comparison to a 200 page novel, 24 pages feels a quick piece of work. Here's some of the finished art work, without text. I'm a little over half way there and really having fun. Thanks Ted!