What a great day the Alternative Press Fair was!
In the picture above, from left to right; Leon Sadler (find his stuff in the links at the bottom of the page under Famicon Express), Me, and Hannah Glickstein of Skinny Bill fame.
Lots of books were sold to lots of lovely people, and nice conversations were had. My hat off to the very organized and charming Peter Lally, Jimi Gherkin and Rich Cowdry.
I only wish I had known in advance about the snow storm; I would never have rushed off home and instead stayed to enjoy the evening fun. Oh well, at least during the three hour car journey home I had the famous Dr Parson's (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=26649732), the celebratic (I think that's a new word I've invented to mean, 'to have celebrity') Sean Duffield (www.dirtysquatters.com/papertiger/), the soon to be famous Hannah Eaton, and the lovely Jaz to keep me company.